Peru Plantation
Pucallpa, Peru
Katya Bakhirka
Deep Forest recently raised funds to buy 50 hectares of land in the Peruvian jungle to create a large plantation of medicinal plants, herbs and trees. This foliage has been a vital part of the culture of the indigenous people of the Amazon for centuries. Few people have the knowledge and experience of medicinal plants that the tribes of the Amazon have developed over generations.
In recent years deforestation has had a considerable impact on many of the plants the people of the Amazon use in traditional medicine. In some regions plants are disappearing and are endangered as a result of environmental damage. Increasingly, some medicinal plants are becoming harder to find.
Deep Forest cannot single-handedly reverse this trend but with the plantation in Peru it aims to develop, our non-profit foundation seeks to make its contribution towards helping preserve the medicinal plants that are such a central part of the indigenous culture in the Amazon.
It is a unique and invaluable heritage which must be preserved, one from which the rest of the world can learn greatly.